Voles are a danger to many gardens, and when they arrive, it is very difficult to figure out how to get rid of voles. They love carrots and onions and snacks can be a lot to do damage in the garden. They also like the bark of fruit trees and roses. Voles can occur very rapidly over a region with its fertile reproductive cycles. Since the lifetime of the mole is about 16 months, multiply and deliver five to 57 children once every 21 days!
Here are five suggestions forYou learn to get rid of voles in the garden and courtyard.
1 How to know if there voles in my garden?
A good tip is to examine the tunnel and mulch the surface holes of golf ball size in the dirt nearby, where damage occurs.
2 When is the best time to get rid of voles?
The best time to do it in the cold of late autumn and early winter, when the animals are less likely food stand and are looking for more flare above the ground for food. Voles alsoTunnels under the snow of winter. They are more likely to see them while the snowpack, as out in the open spaces, avoiding during the warmer growing seasons.
3 What can I install traps voles?
Used to catch voles box-shaped traps. It 'very important to note that the voles have very sensitive noses. This means that all stations must be free of odors. For example, the new metal traps often a layer of oil that produces a strong odor. Thisshould be washed with soap and then rub the metal smell the dirt.
It takes several traps at the same time you have quick results. Check all traps twice daily and put them back in the same place, if caught a vole. For bait you can carrots, apples or celery. Remember to handle the bait and trap with gloves, so do not leave a human scent behind.
4 There are other ways to distribute voles?
If possible, it is the use of chemical poisonsdiscussed in this article, as there are other ways to learn how to get rid of voles effective.
5 What are the natural enemies of the vole?
To attract the natural predators of voles, create shady spaces with lots of wood for weasels.